The Tolkien Society is an educational charity, literary society, and international fan club, devoted to promoting the life and works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Registering in England (charity no. 273809), the Society was founded in 1969 and received the blessing of Tolkien himself when he agreed to become the Society’s president; he remains the Society’s president to this day whilst his daughter, Priscilla, serves as our Vice-President. Although based in the U. K., the Society has hundreds of members in dozens of countries around the world who hold local events in their areas and who all receive the Society’s journals Amon Hen and Mallorn. What binds all members together is a shared passion for the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.
D’autres initiatives…
- VIAF : fichier d’autorité international virtuel
- Musée Tchantchès (Liège, BE)
- Académie de musique GRETRY
- Démocratie participative : votations ?
- Liège : mieux s’y retrouver dans l’offre culturelle en quelques clics seulement
- Association des librairies indépendantes en Belgique francophone
- LEFEVERE S., Le hareng (IRSN, 1960)
- Association des écrivains belges de langue française
- TERMINOLOGIE DÉCOLONIALE – 2 – Les mots autour de l’institutionnalisation du racisme (CNCD-11.11.11)
- Institut du Patrimoine wallon : la Lettre du Patrimoine
- WESEL : Les Rosati, leurs Roses d’Or (non papales) et Maurice Carême